We use the philosophical point of view to understand and solve the contradictions of the enterprise and promote the development of the enterprise. In 1986, the efficiency of our factory dropped sharply, the people’s mind was floating, and the difficulties were numerous. The factory leaders have grasped the main contradiction, and promoted the transformation of internal factors as the main task of reversing the decline of enterprises. They put forward: Focusing on economic benefits, they should pay close attention to the management of enterprises and improve their quality. At that time, large enterprises under the ownership of the people faced external competition and some unfavorable conditions. As a result, there was an economic downturn. We turned our attention to the internal reforms of enterprises, carried out potential development and reform, and focused on improving the quality of self-owned enterprises and tapping the potential of large socialist enterprises. The enterprise’s work is tedious, and the content of management is also quite broad. We take the upgrade work (ie: National Level 2 and Level 1) as the key breakthrough point. The upgrading of the four aspects of technology, equipment, environmental protection, and labor discipline will be promoted by the upgrade. Facts have proved that this strategy is correct. Our factory has not only reversed the decline in 1987, and has maintained a steady growth of economic benefits year after year. It has also successively won the title of Shanghai Advanced Enterprise, National Secondary Enterprise, and Ministry of Chemical Industry, and has now successfully passed the title. State-level enterprise review.