2010年8月8日凌晨,山崩川决,甘肃甘南州舟曲县发生强降雨引发泥石流灾害。180万立方米泥石流滚滚而下,一路咆哮,在黑夜里无情地吞噬着村庄、生命。截至29日,舟曲“8·8”特大山洪泥石流灾害造成1 465人遇难,300人失踪。面对突如其来的自然灾害,党中央国务院高度重视,迅速调集各种力量,驰援舟曲。时间就是生命,灾情就
In the early morning of August 8, 2010, the landslide was decided by a landslide and a landslide disaster was caused by heavy rainfall in Zhouqu County, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu. 1.8 million cubic meters of debris flow billowing, roaring all the way, mercilessly devouring the village in the dark, life. By the 29th, 1 465 people were killed and 300 were missing as a result of the huge flash floods and debris flows in Zhouqu and “8 · 8”. In the face of unexpected natural disasters, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to quickly mobilizing various forces to help Zhouqu. Time is life, disaster