【摘 要】
[本刊讯](周辛记者缪惟民)2011世界制药机械、包装设备与包装材料中国展(P-MEC China 2011)与同期举办的“第十届世界制药原料中国展(CPhI China 2011)”将于2011年6月21日—
[本刊讯](周辛记者缪惟民)2011世界制药机械、包装设备与包装材料中国展(P-MEC China 2011)与同期举办的“第十届世界制药原料中国展(CPhI China 2011)”将于2011年6月21日—23日在上海新国际博览中心盛大举行。
(P-MEC China 2011) In parallel with the “CPhI China 2011,” the 2011 World Pharmaceutical Machinery, Packaging Equipment and Packaging Materials Exhibition (2011) "Will be held June 21-23, 2011 in Shanghai New International Expo Center grand.
The topic will include discussion on the science of stability testing and requirements in the global pharmaceutical market.World-wide marketing of pharmaceu
Drug transporters are membrane proteins involved in the uptake or efflux of drugs by several tissues such as the intestine,liver,kidney and brain.They can h
辽宁省农业科学院园艺研究所用自选的自交系3号和12号配制而成的高产、优质、抗病辣椒新品种辽椒4号,已经通过省级品种审定,准予开发推广。 特征特性:植株生长旺盛,茎粗叶大,株高60cm,株幅55~60cm,8~9
Research on carbon nanotubes has expanded to nearly every area,and we could believe that it will be very useful to radiotherapy,a classic and efficient meth
AD620仅外接一只精密电阻器 R_G 在 IC-①、⑧两脚,其阻值在49.3Ω~49.3kΩ大范围选择.就能按计算值没定电源产品所需的任一增益值G-1003~2002,精确易调范围极宽。
AD620 only
Due to increasing resistance of fungi against conventional drugs,as well as the observable side effects of the already limited numbers of antifungals common
The Wnt family encodes the multi-functional signaling glycoproteins regulating a wide variety of normal and pathological processes including embryogenesis a