Determination of Progesterone Receptor by Chemiluminescent Enzyme Immunoassay

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tbtbtb5518232
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A new method of chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) was developed and the standard curve and regression equation for determination of progesterone receptor (PR) made. The luminosity of tissue samples was tested and PR level was calculated by the regression equation. Correlation analysis revealed that there was a linear relationship between different concentrations of the standard PR samples and the corresponding values of luminosity: Y=3748+463.77X, γ=0 9958. The values of the luminosity in 38 cases of tumor tissues were determined with the highest being 267.32 fmol/mg, the lowest 3.69 fmol/mg and the mean 78.53 fmol/mg. The new method of CLEIA was a stable, creditable,specific and sensitive assay for determination of PR. A new method of chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) was developed and the standard curve and regression equation for determination of progesterone receptor (PR) made. The luminosity of tissue samples was tested and PR level was calculated by the regression equation. Correlation analysis revealed that there was a linear relationship between different concentrations of the standard PR samples and the corresponding values ​​of luminosity: Y = 3748 + 463.77X, γ = 0 9958. The values ​​of the luminosity in 38 cases of tumor tissues were determined with the highest being 267.32 fmol / mg, the lowest 3.69 fmol / mg and the mean 78.53 fmol / mg. The new method of CLEIA was a stable, creditable, specific and sensitive assay for determination of PR.
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