2004年了,崭新的一年,《中华武术》杂志将推出崭新的栏目:名将行动。顾名思义,我们试图追踪那些赛场上的英雄们,及时报告他们的最新动态。 然而第一期,我们却想到了“怀旧”这个主题。你一定会说,天哪,在充满希望满怀期盼的新年伊始,在一片对未来的憧憬中,你却谈什么“怀旧”? 因为越是在歌舞升平的新年大典中,越是在渐入佳境的散打王决赛中,我们就越是容易想起那些似乎距离我们很近却又许久没有了消息的灿烂脸庞。他们曾经叱咤风云,如今,在过着怎样云淡风清的生活? 我们应该把最新一年中最新的栏目交给我们心中这些永远的英雄们,给他们一个机会,敞开心扉,吐露自己;也给你我一个机会,在新一年开始的时候,有理由怀旧。
In 2004, the new year, “Chinese Wushu” magazine will launch a brand new section: action star. As the name implies, we try to track those heroes on the court and keep them up to date. However, the first issue, we have thought of the theme of “nostalgia.” You will surely say, my dear, what are you talking about “nostalgia” at the beginning of the New Year full of hope and full of hope, and in the longing for the future? In the Sands King Final of Nirvana, the easier it is for us to think of those glitzy faces that seem to be close to us but long lost. They are all-powerful and are now living a clear-cut life? We should give the most up-to-date part of the latest year to these eternal heroes in our hearts and give them a chance to open themselves up and reveal themselves. You and I have a chance, at the beginning of the new year, there is reason to nostalgia.