
来源 :哈尔滨医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jpyssy
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小儿泻是儿科常见病之一。其临床见症不一,致病因素及发病机理亦复杂多变。一般可分为寒、热、虚、实四种类型。总的来说,泻的发病与脾胃功能失司有密切关系。正如张景岳所曰:“泻之本,不无由于脾胃。盖胃为水谷之海,而脾之主运化,使脾健胃和,则水谷腐熟而化气化血,以行营卫;如脾胃虚弱,则水反为湿,谷反为滞,精华之气不能输化,乃致合污下降,而泻痢作矣。” Pediatric diarrhea is one of the common pediatric diseases. The clinical symptoms vary, pathogenic factors and pathogenesis is also complex and changeable. Generally divided into cold, heat, virtual, real four types. In general, the incidence of diarrhea and spleen and stomach dysfunction are closely related. As Zhang Jingyue said: "The diarrhea of ​​this, not without the stomach .Get for the water valley of the sea, and the main transport of the spleen, the spleen and stomach, and water valor and blood gasification, in order to health Wei line; such as the stomach Weak, the water is wet, valleys are stagnant, the essence of the gas can not be transfused, but to co-contaminated decline, and Xie Li for men.
ProfessorWANGYing Lai,world renownedbiochemistandamemberoftheChineseAcademyofSciences ,passedawayat 19:10 ,May 5,2 0 0 1resultingfromanincu Professor WANGYing Lai, world renowned biochemist andamember of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, passedawayat 19:1
Aim: To develop and optimize a competitive fluorescence polarization(FP)method,and use it as a high-throughput screening(HTS)assay for drug discovery.Methods:
本文从摆动辗压过程中坯料螺旋式送进的事实出发, 建立了符合摆动辗压实际变形条件的力学模型, 利用自行开发的刚塑性有限元软件对环形件摆动辗压变形进行了分析, 得出了环形
以ω_c=kω的满足程度为模糊目标,本文把变截面高速转轴的设计转化为对称模糊优化模型,简要叙述了这类问题求解的一般过程。 Taking the degree of satisfaction of ω_c =
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