1995年高考语文试题选择题部分的第8小题是:下列对作品作家的表述错误的一项是:A.汤显祖,明代杂剧家,代表作为《牡丹亭》;B.曹禺、夏衍是我国现代著名的剧作家;C.塞万提斯,西班牙作家,著有《鲁滨逊漂流记》;D.《老人和海》的作者是美国作家海明威。 给定的答案是C。但A中的表述也有错误。因为汤显祖不是杂剧家,而是明清传奇作家;《牡丹事》是明清传奇戏的代表作,不是杂剧的代表作。本文将结合中国古代戏剧发展史谈谈杂剧和传奇的区别。 中国戏曲史上有多种以杂剧为名的表演形式,但其特点各有不同,晚唐已有杂剧之名,但如何演出,情况不详。其后历代有宋杂剧、元杂剧、温州杂剧(永嘉杂剧,亦称南戏)
The 8th question in the multiple-choice questions of the 1995 Chinese test of college entrance examinations is: The following is the wrong expression of the work writer: A. Tang Xianzu, a dramatist of the Ming Dynasty, represented as “The Peony Pavilion”; B. Cao Yu and Xia Yan are modern in our country. The famous playwright; C. Cervantes, a Spanish writer, author of “Robinson Crusoe”; D. The author of “The Old Man and the Sea” is an American writer Hemingway. The given answer is C. But the expression in A is also wrong. Because Tang Xianzu is not a miscellaneous dramatist, but a legendary writer of the Ming and Qing Dynasties; “Peony” is a masterpiece of the Ming and Qing dynasties’ legendary operas, and is not a representative work of Zaju. This article will talk about the difference between Zaju and legend in the history of ancient Chinese drama development. In the history of Chinese opera, there are many kinds of performances under the name of Zaju, but their characteristics are different. There are zaju plays in the late Tang Dynasty, but how they perform is unknown. Later, there were Song Dynasty dramas, Yuan Zaju operas, and Wenzhou Zaju (Yongjia Zaju, also known as Nan drama).