女,25岁,已婚。1997年10月31日以尿痛、腰痛年余加重1个月来我院就诊。自述1996年6月曾在某妇幼保健站放置节育环,术后3个月因早孕行人工流产,当时认为节育环脱落重新放置节育环1只。查体:神志清,发育营养中等,心肺(一),腹软,肝、脾未触及,耻骨联合上膀胱区压痛明显,双肾区叩痛。尿常规:蛋白(++),镜检 RBC+++/HP,WBC 0~2/HP。B超示:膀胱大小容量正常,透声欠佳,三角区内见一“T”形
Female, 25 years old, married. October 31, 1997 to urinary pain, lumbago more than 1 month to our hospital. Readme 1996 June I was placed in a maternal and child health care station IUD, 3 months after the first trimester due to induced abortion, I think the contraceptive ring off a re-placed IUD. Physical examination: clear mind, moderate nutrition and development, cardiopulmonary (a), abdominal soft, liver, spleen not touched, pubic symphysis on the bladder area tenderness was obvious, peritoneal area percussion pain. Urine routine: protein (++), microscopy RBC +++ / HP, WBC 0 ~ 2 / HP. B ultrasound shows: normal bladder size, poor sound penetration, see a triangular area “T” shape