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三年级上册第71页的例8,是用乘除两步计算解决含有“归一”数量关系的实际问题,这一课是三年级上册第六单元的内容。作为三年级的学生,既掌握了用两步计算解决问题,也了解了解决问题的三个基本步骤:阅读与理解、分析与解答、回顾与反思。同时,对于解决问题的策略,学生会用画图、列表的方法解答问题。这个传统教学内容如何教学呢?我选取了我区六位教师执教本节课的录像及现场上课情况进行研究,以此为例,谈谈对“归一问题”的教学处理的一些浅见。 Example 8 on page 71 of the third grade book is the practical problem of solving the relationship between the numbers containing “normalization ” by multiplication and division, which is the sixth unit of the third grade. As a third grade student, I learned two steps to solve the problem and three basic steps to solve the problem: reading and comprehension, analysis and solution, review and reflection. At the same time, students will use the methods of drawing pictures and lists to answer questions about the strategies for solving problems. This traditional teaching content how to teach it? I chose my area six teachers coaching the lesson video and on-site class situation research, as an example, to talk about the .
郭润涛说历史是今人和古人的对话,他在书中也正是站在同情的立场上与绍兴师爷进行了一场对话。这本书名叫《官府、幕友与书生》。  官府中当然包括了官员,而明清时代的大部分官员也是书生的一种,是功成名就的书生(用钱捐纳的官员中也有相当一部分是书生),作者研究的则是功不成名不就的落魄书生——科举考试的落榜者。这些被逐级淘汰下来的书生们,他们的前途是什么?他们的人生道路怎样走?作者与绍兴师爷的对话就从这样一个