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在面向群众宣传报道方面,许多县市报总的说来是重视的。但是,也确有部分县市报对此有所忽视,值得引起注意。笔者在翻阅东北、华北、华东、华中5家办得较早的周二刊县市报发稿情况时,作了比较详实的统计。去年10月,这5家报纸一、二版共发稿465篇,其中县里各种会议报道76篇,占16.3%多;县机关各部门的报道和公告、剪彩、奠基、上级来人检查方面的138篇,占29.7%;县属工厂的综合报道34篇,占7.3%;乡镇会议和综合报道及乡镇“七所八站”的报道131篇,占29.7%;言论和其它方面的报道29 In the face of mass media coverage, many counties and cities reported in general is valued. However, it is true that some county magazines have neglected this issue and deserve our attention. When I read the Northeast, North China, East China, Central China 5 to run earlier Tuesday County Times newspaper press situation, made a more detailed statistics. Last October, the first and second editions of the five newspapers published 465 articles in total, of which 76 were reported in various meetings in the county, accounting for 16.3% of the total; the reports and announcements of various departments of the county authorities were cut off, laid the foundation stone, , Accounting for 29.7% of the total; 138 were county-level comprehensive reports, accounting for 7.3%; 131 township meetings and comprehensive reports and township “seven stations and eight stations” were reported in 131 articles, accounting for 29.7% of the total; 138 articles and other reports
介绍一种用核辐射技术测量管道中物料输送量的方法、教学模型建立、物流整形机构及其工作原理。动态实物试验最大测量误差值小于2%。 A method of measuring the amount of m
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卡梅隆曾说:“3D将彻底改变人们的娱乐方式。”而对于这样一个激动人心的变革,中国的3D制作商和运营商欣喜地发现,自己和世界站在了同一条起跑线上。 Cameron once said: “