Cytotoxic response of phagocytes in patients newly infected with pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuber

来源 :生物组学研究杂志(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyu_yy
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Objective::Pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection can trigger cellular and humoral innate immune responses, which may cause death of the pathogen and or host cells/tissue. We aimed to determine the cytotoxic response of phagocytes in patients with pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection based on plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels.n Methods::In this observational study, patients newly infected with pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuberculosis (n n=31; age 37-62 years) and age-matched uninfected volunteers (n n=50) were recruited as test and control volunteers, respectively in Owo, Nigeria. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Research and Ethics Committee of the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Achievers University, Owo, Nigeria (AUO/MLS/VII/2009/212). Anti-hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus antigen/antibody, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, and plasma TNF-α were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, SOD, and MDA were determined by colorimetry,n Plasmodium by Giemsa thick blood film staining, and acid-fast bacilli in sputum were detected by Ziehl-Neelsen staining.n Results::All participants had normal blood glucose levels and tested negative for human immunodeficiency virus antigen/antibody, anti-hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, and n Plasmodium spp., and had no medical history of cancer. Infected patients had significantly higher plasma MDA and TNF-α levels and significantly lower SOD levels compared with control subjects (alln P<0.05).n Conclusion::Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection elicited a cytotoxic response by phagocytes, evidenced by significant increases in MDA and TNF-α and a significant decrease in SOD levels.n “,”Objective::Pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection can trigger cellular and humoral innate immune responses, which may cause death of the pathogen and or host cells/tissue. We aimed to determine the cytotoxic response of phagocytes in patients with pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection based on plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels.n Methods::In this observational study, patients newly infected with pulmonary n Mycobacterium tuberculosis (n n=31; age 37-62 years) and age-matched uninfected volunteers (n n=50) were recruited as test and control volunteers, respectively in Owo, Nigeria. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Research and Ethics Committee of the Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Achievers University, Owo, Nigeria (AUO/MLS/VII/2009/212). Anti-hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus antigen/antibody, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, and plasma TNF-α were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, SOD, and MDA were determined by colorimetry,n Plasmodium by Giemsa thick blood film staining, and acid-fast bacilli in sputum were detected by Ziehl-Neelsen staining.n Results::All participants had normal blood glucose levels and tested negative for human immunodeficiency virus antigen/antibody, anti-hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, and n Plasmodium spp., and had no medical history of cancer. Infected patients had significantly higher plasma MDA and TNF-α levels and significantly lower SOD levels compared with control subjects (alln P<0.05).n Conclusion::Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection elicited a cytotoxic response by phagocytes, evidenced by significant increases in MDA and TNF-α and a significant decrease in SOD levels.n
我们都知道,大西洋海域有个“百慕大三角”,飞机、轮船常在那一带神秘失踪。可你知道吗?陆地上也有一个“百慕大三角”,就在波兰首都华沙附近的一个三角形公路带的中心。  在那里,发生的车祸不计其数。更令人不可思议的是,明明路况、车况、气候都良好,司机也并非酒后开车,可到了这个路段,司机就会精神恍惚,头昏脑涨,心神不宁,最后失去自制能力,造成车祸。  货车司机的祈祷  2007年5月的一天,一辆红色的轿车
又是平常的一天,我一如既往地醒来,却发现周围的景象和平常已截然不同:闹钟竟然悬浮在空中;天花板上的金属鸟儿正在我的头顶上喷洒香水;被子薄得不像话,却温暖得很,里面似乎用了一种特殊的填充物。这是哪里?我有点儿懵。  等我回过神儿,挣扎着想要爬起来时,还没等我下床,全棉拖鞋已经自动套在了我的脚上。我走到房间门口,正准备打开触屏玻璃门的一刹那,门突然开了,只见一个大眼睛闪着蓝色荧光,身高只有我一半,头大
从前,有两个鸡蛋,被母鸡生下来不久。一个蛋总是会乖乖听母鸡的话,而另一个蛋正好相反,每天都不愿意待在母鸡的怀里,就只想着自由。  有一天,听话的蛋问想自由的蛋:“你怎么不到妈妈怀里来呀?”  想自由的蛋回答:“我才不进去呢!里面那么黑,那么无聊,我的腰都快被压断了。我只想要自由!”  “你在想什么呀!妈妈的羽毛可温暖啦!而且,你不进来的话,外面的温度没有这里的温度高,你是没法孵化的。”  “胡说!
记忆中,我见过雄伟壮丽的黄河、波澜不惊的西湖,还有湖光山色的斜江河。但我印象最深的,依旧是故乡那条手可触底的小河。它没有名字,只是因为很清,而被我称为“镜河”。  镜河的水是极清的,也是极浅的,称它为“河”,似乎太勉强了。在别人看来,它就是一条很不起眼的小河。但是,在我心里,它是绝美的。你看,那水清澈得犹如一块发亮的白水晶,在灿烂的阳光下闪烁着耀眼的光芒。河里的鱼儿,虽叫不出名字,可也是很好看的。
目的:分析目前国内外已上市的免疫抑制剂致1型糖尿病(type 1 diabetes mellitus,T1DM)的不良反应病例及其临床特点,为临床合理用药提供依据。方法:通过检索Medline、PubMed、Springer数据库、中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库和维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP),收集有关程序性死亡受体-1/配体-1(PD-1/PD-L1)抑制剂致T1DM的不良反应个例报道,并对性别、年龄、瘤种、PD-1/PD-L1抑制剂用药、T1DM发生时间、用药方案、T1DM发生情况(包括临床表现、
目的:建立高效液相色谱(HPLC)法同时测定姜枣祛寒颗粒中4种成份(6-姜酚、8-姜酚、6-姜烯酚和10-姜酚)的含量。方法:Thermo Syncronis C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以乙腈-水为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速1.0 ml/min,检测波长280 nm,柱温30℃,进样量20μl。结果:6-姜酚、8-姜酚、6-姜烯酚和10-姜酚分别在2.940~58.800μg/ml(r2=0.9998)、3.648~72.960μg/ml(r2