在庆祝中国共产党成立85周年暨总结保持共产党员先进性教育活动大会上, 胡锦涛总书记总结了开展先进性教育活动以来我党取得的六大显著成效。六大成效是我党在思想建设、组织建设、作风建设和制度建设上进行不懈努力的新成效、积累的新经验。巩固并扩大已取得的成绩,不可忽视以下几方面: 一是坚持理论学习与实践的紧密对
At the congress of celebrating the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and concluding the advanced nature of party members, General Secretary Hu Jintao summed up the six remarkable achievements our party has made since launching the advanced nature education campaign. The six achievements are the new achievements and new experiences accumulated by our party in making unremitting efforts in ideological building, organizational building, style construction and system construction. To consolidate and expand the achievements that have been made, the following aspects can not be ignored: First, to maintain a close pair of theoretical study and practice