近年来,笔者采用补肺汤合阿胶散加减治疗小儿迁延性肺炎20例,收效良好。现介绍于下,供同道参考。1 临床资料 本组20例患者中,男12例,女8例;病程1~1.5月者10例,1.5~2月者7例,2~2.5月者3例。 主要临床表现:面色苍白,咳嗽乏力,晨晚间或遇风寒加重,食欲不振,低烧,口干,舌质红,舌苔白腻或黄腻,双肺可闻及干性或湿性罗音,肺x线征象为单侧或双肺下野有点片状阴影。
In recent years, I use Bufei Decoction plus adzuki powder treatment of 20 children with persistent pneumonia, with good results. Now introduced in the next, for fellow reference. 1 Clinical data The group of 20 patients, 12 males and 8 females; duration of 1 to 1.5 months in 10 cases, 1.5 months in 2 cases in 7 cases, 2 to 2.5 months in 3 cases. The main clinical manifestations: pale, coughing weakness, morning or in the event of increased agitation, loss of appetite, fever, dry mouth, red tongue, greasy or yellow greasy tongue, lungs can be heard and dry or wet rales, lung x Line signs of unilateral or bilateral lungs a little flaky shadows.