
来源 :科技致富向导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ice_j88
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地铁在我们的生活中已经变得越来越重要,地铁站的设计工作难度也非常的大,特别是进行设备安装与管线设计等细节性的问题,稍有不慎就易造成管线与管线的相互交叉,导致安装困难,并给将来的地铁运营造成不便。另外,地铁站的给排水设计也非常的繁琐,在地铁设计与安装的过程中需要特别注意。本文就地铁给排水设计中经常容易疏忽的几个细节问题进行分析。 The subway has become more and more important in our lives. The design work of the subway station is also very difficult, especially the detailed problems such as equipment installation and pipeline design. It is easy to accidentally cause pipelines and pipelines. Crossing each other leads to difficulties in installation and inconvenience to future subway operations. In addition, the design of the water supply and drainage of the subway station is also very cumbersome, and special attention needs to be paid to the design and installation of the subway. This article analyzes several details that are often overlooked in the design of subway water supply and drainage.