部分腓骨切除广泛运用于腓骨移植术及腓骨肿瘤、外伤等治疗中。经过术后随访及离体力学实验分析,许多作者认为切除侧小腿的并发症是值得重视的问题,但仍存在争论。本研究采用计算机有限元模拟技术,对部分腓骨切除前后该侧下肢腓骨的受力情况进行分析。结果发现:切除术明显改变了腓骨内应力分布及分载能力,从而影响了距骨内外侧的应力分布,降低了踝关节的稳定性,并对临床观察到的并发症表现作了解释和讨论。“,”Partial fibulectomy is widely used in fibula transplantation and the treatment of fibular tumor and injury. After follow-up surveys and biomechanical experiments, many authors believe it is important to pay attention to the postoperative complications in leg,which now still remains in dispute. For the first time finite element analysis is used to find out the mechanical characteristics of crural bone before and after partial fibulectomy. Our results show that resection would alter significantly the stress distribution in tibia, fibula and the medial & lateral parts of talus, so influent the ankle joint stability. Causes of postoperative complications were also discussed.