
来源 :中国专利与商标 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyuhuy
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“许可”是知识产权交易的主要方式。在“标準必要专利”(Standard-Essential PatentS,下称SEP专利)出现之前,许可从法律性质上可分为“一般许可”和“强制许可”。1随着技术及经济全球化的不斷发展,SEP专利应运而生;并由此产生SEP专利的许可及与之相关的争议。此类争议常涉及所谓FRAND(Fair,Reasonable and Non-discriminatoryTermS)条款的适用问题。主要体现在两个方面:一是对SEP专利许可法律性质的认识;二是如何适用FRAND条款。 “Permit ” is the main method of intellectual property transaction. Prior to the advent of “Standard-Essential Patent S”, SEPA was legally classified as “General Permit” and “Compulsory License”. 1 With the continuous development of technology and economic globalization, the SEP patent came into being; as a result, the licensing of the SEP patent and the related controversies. Such disputes often involve the application of the so-called FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and Non-discriminatoryTermS) clause. Mainly reflected in two aspects: First, the legal nature of SEP patent license awareness; second is how to apply FRAND terms.
原没打算去宏村。  我是去婺源的,半途突然被导游告之,可以游宏村。  红村?恕我孤陋寡闻,乍听之下,我把宏村听成红村了。我立即展开想象,村子里一定有穿红衣裳的村姑,打扮得像船娘。  我的这等奇想,把导游小伙子逗得哈哈乐。他说不是,是宏大的宏,是个古村落,村子里有保存完好的徽式建筑群,据今八百多年了。  一夜的雨叮叮咚咚。早起,雨完全没有停下的意思,兀自埋头继续欢欢地下。行程却不改,去宏村。  车上