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尿液内含有多量红细胞者称为血尿.血尿是泌尿系统疾病中最常见、最早出现的一种共同症状。因此对血尿患者应提高警惕,严肃认真地作全面系统检查,找出病因并给予妥善处理。一.血尿原因(一)泌尿系统疾病1.炎症:非特异性炎症如急、慢性肾盂肾炎、肾乳头炎、尿道膀胱炎,特异性炎症如泌尿系结核。2.尿路结石:包括肾、输尿管、膀胱及尿道结 Urine contains large amounts of red blood cells are called hematuria.Hematuria is the most common urinary system diseases, the first common symptom. Therefore, patients with hematuria should be vigilant, make a comprehensive and systematic examination seriously, find out the cause and give proper treatment. 1. Hematuria causes (a) of the urinary system diseases 1. Inflammation: non-specific inflammation such as acute and chronic pyelonephritis, renal papillitis, urethritis cystitis, specific inflammation such as urinary tuberculosis. 2. urinary tract stones: including kidney, ureter, bladder and urethral knot