根据新华社综合:北京时间9月16日凌晨,遇刺的阿富汗反塔利班北方联盟领导人马苏德15日被证实死亡。 “记者采访”刺杀马苏德 9月9日,两名阿尔及利亚人伪装成电视记者在阿富汗北部塔哈尔省的反塔联盟基地,对反塔队盟最高领导人艾哈迈德·沙阿·马苏德进行“采访”。当他们打开摄像机镜头时,引爆了藏在里面的炸弹。另一种说法是,其中一名“记者”引爆了缠在身上的炸弹。 由于马苏德在反塔联盟中的特殊地位,这一爆炸案立即引起了全世界的关注。马苏德的女发言人当时表示:马苏德的伤势并不严重,更没有生命危险。然而这位发言人的话立即遭到媒体的质疑。刺客给马苏德摄像时,距离应该相当近,既然他的贴身助手当场身亡,难道马苏德只受一点轻伤?果然,时隔不久,便有俄通-塔斯社记者称,马苏德还未送到医院,就因伤势过重,不治身亡。一名不愿
According to Xinhua News Agency synthesis: Beijing time on the early morning of September 16, assassinated Massacre Masood, leader of the anti-Taliban coalition in Afghanistan, was certified dead on the 15th. “Press Interview” Assassination of Masood On Sept. 9, two Algerians disguised as television correspondents at the anti-tower coalition base in Takhar, northern Afghanistan, conducted a campaign against Ahmad Shah Massoud, the top leader of the anti-TU team. “Interview.” When they opened the camera lens, they detonated the bomb hidden inside. Another way of saying is that one of the “journalists” detonated a bomblet wrapped around him. Due to Masood’s special position in the anti-Tata coalition, the bombing immediately aroused the world’s attention. Masood’s spokeswoman said at the time: Masood’s injuries were not serious and not life-threatening. However, the spokesman immediately questioned the media. Assassin to Masood when the camera, the distance should be quite close, since his personal assistant died on the scene, Is Masood only a minor injuries? Sure enough, soon after, there will be Russia pass - Tass news agency said Masood has not yet been sent to the hospital Because of injuries, died. One is unwilling