《一个外国人眼中的中国民俗》作者是美国民俗学家R.D.詹姆森(R.D.Jame- son1895—1959)。该书原名《中国民俗学三讲》,由中国华北协和华语学校与加利福尼亚大学联合出版,中国北平三友书社1932年印行。时隔63年,我国著名民俗学家钟敬文教授将此书荐励田小杭、闫萍同志译成中文,由上海文艺出版社于1995年
The author of “A Chinese Folk in the Eyes of Foreigners” is American ethnologist R.D. Jameson (1895-1959). The book, formerly known as “Three Stories of Chinese Folklore,” was co-published by China North China Concordance Chinese Language School and the University of California, Beijing, China. After 63 years, Professor Zhong Jingwen, a famous folklorist in China, recommended this book to Tian Xia Hang and Yan Ping to be translated into Chinese by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House in 1995