Purpose: This guide is intended to provide the most current and comprehensive recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of acute spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. METHODS: Medline was used to formally search for relevant articles as of August 2006 and to supplement other papers in writing about issues known to the committee, and to incorporate the evidence in the form of evidence. Each recommendation was rated using the American Heart Association Stroke Evidence Level grading criteria. Five pre-publication guides were reviewed by five peer reviewers and members of the Stroke Council Leadership Council. This guide is expected to be fully updated within 3 years. RESULTS: This article presents evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage, the management of arterial blood pressure and intracranial pressure, the treatment of medical complications of cerebral hemorrhage and the prevention of recurrent cerebral hemorrhage. Recent trials of recombinant factor VII to delay early bleeding have been discussed. Suggestions for various surgical methods for the treatment of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage are given. Finally, the withdrawal treatment and dying of the patients with ICH were analyzed.