问:有人说,在专业户(重点户)中有一部分人是在历次运动中挨过批评的,如果吸收这些人入党,有损于党的形象。这话对吗?应怎样看待这个问题? 答:这种说法是不对的,要讲清这个问题,首先要对这些人挨批的情况作出具体的历史的分析。 在专业户、重点户(以下简称“两户”)中挨过批评的人主要有这么几种:一种是过去所谓的“暴发户”、“资本主义自发势力”,这些人绝大部分是有一技之长的能工巧
Q: Some people say that some people in specialized households (key households) have been criticized in previous campaigns. If they are absorbed into the party, they will undermine the party’s image. Is this correct? How should we view this issue? A: That is not true. To clarify this issue, we must first make a concrete historical analysis of these people’s criticism. In the professional households and key households (hereinafter referred to as the “two households”), there are mainly several people who have been criticized: one is the so-called “upstart” and “spontaneous forces of capitalism” in the past, and the vast majority of these people have Skill of a skilled skill