观念艺术诞生于20世纪60年代。其首要的表达形式十分与众不同:文件夹、表格、信函、数字、地图、词典词条、口头和书面的行动指南等。在当时,纪实摄影、绢丝网印刷、复印、打字机、霓虹灯和工业系列产品都被作为作业材料。观念艺术家们使用科技通信手段,例如电子邮件、电传、电脑,用文本、幻灯片和手稿表达自我,并对他们的可变对象施加了时间和自然的影响。汉斯·哈克(Hans Haacke)在
Conceptual art was born in the 1960s. Its primary expression is very different: folders, forms, letters, numbers, maps, dictionary entries, verbal and written action guidelines. At the time, documentary photography, silk screen printing, photocopying, typewriters, neon lights and industrial products were used as working materials. Conceptual artists use technological means of communication such as e-mail, telex, computer, text, slides and manuscripts to express themselves and exert a temporal and natural influence on their variable objects. Hans Haacke is here