围绝经期妇女的卵巢囊肿多数为良性。腹腔镜处理的适宜性和安全性已有报道,将卵巢癌误诊为良性而作出不当的外科处理则危及预后。可用以下几种方法在术前、术中区别卵巢肿瘤的良恶性。 一、CA125 是肿瘤相关表面抗原,然其特异性和敏感度低,尤对绝经前妇女。80%的卵巢癌者CA125升高,6%的良性者及1%的正常健康妇女也升高,75%以上Ⅰ期卵巢癌CA125水平正常。 二、超声检查 良性的超声所见边界清楚,无不规则或实质部分,无厚的分隔,无腹水,无表面粗糙的肠管。Shalev等报道75例有复杂囊块的绝经妇女
Ovarian cysts in perimenopausal women are mostly benign. The suitability and safety of laparoscopic procedures have been reported, misdiagnosing ovarian cancer as benign and improper surgical treatment can endanger the prognosis. Available in the following ways in the preoperative and postoperative differentiation of benign and malignant ovarian tumors. First, CA125 is a tumor-associated surface antigen, but its specificity and sensitivity are low, especially for premenopausal women. 80% of ovarian cancer patients with elevated CA125, 6% of benign and 1% of normal healthy women also increased, 75% of stage Ⅰ ovarian cancer CA125 levels were normal. Second, the ultrasound examination of the boundaries seen by benign ultrasound clear, all without rules or the real part, without thick separation, no ascites, no rough surface of the intestine. Shalev et al reported 75 cases of menopausal women with complex capsular block