永兴村是辉南县辉南镇的一个偏僻山村,这里山多沟深,土地贫瘠,村民多是解放前从外地逃荒来的。党的十一届三中全会以前,农民的日劳动值仅为6角钱,全村人均收入不到300元,绝大多数农民住的是泥草房,一半以上的农户吃返销粮,集体账户上只有16元钱。 改革开放的春风
Yongxing Village is a remote mountain village in Huinan County, Huinan County, where the mountainous ditch is deep and the land is barren. Most villagers flee from the field before liberation. Before the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the daily labor value of peasants was only 6 cents, and the per capita income of the whole village was less than 300 yuan. Most peasants lived in mud houses and more than half of peasant households returned food for sale. Only 16 yuan on the account. Spring breeze of reform and opening up