
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:irugi
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在考虑力矩平衡的二维剩余推力法的基础上,提出了一种三维极限平衡分析方法。在忽略条柱间作用力的水平剪切分量的基础上,建立铅直方向(Z轴)、滑动方向(X轴)、垂直滑动方向(Y轴)的力平衡以及绕Y轴的力矩平衡共4个方程,平衡方程中纳入地下水、地震、支护力作用。行界面上柱间力作用方向角(条间力剪切分量与水平分量的比值)为条柱底滑面在滑动方向上的倾角乘以统一的修正系数(可称为推力方向修正系数,以进行修正),列界面上柱间力作用方向角为条柱底滑面在Y方向上的倾角。通过迭代计算,当调整稳定系数以使所有列的X向剩余推力和为零、改变滑动方向(X轴方位)以使所有行的Y向剩余推力和为零、调整推力方向修正系数以使绕Y轴的总力矩为零,求得滑坡的稳定系数、最优滑动方向及推力方向修正系数。该法适用于任意形态滑坡,并可计算得到最优滑动方向。最后对该法进行了工程应用及讨论。 Based on the two-dimensional residual thrust method considering moment balance, a three-dimensional limit equilibrium analysis method is proposed. On the basis of neglecting the horizontal shear component of the force between the bars, the force balance in vertical direction (Z axis), sliding direction (X axis), vertical sliding direction (Y axis) and moment balance around Y axis 4 equations, balance equation into the role of groundwater, earthquakes, supporting force. The inter-column interaction direction angle (the ratio of the force shear component to the horizontal component) is calculated by multiplying the inclination of the sliding surface in the sliding direction by a uniform correction factor (which may be referred to as the thrust direction correction factor ), Column interface on the role of the direction of the column angle for the sliding surface of the bottom bar in the Y direction of the dip angle. Through iterative calculations, when the stability factor is adjusted so that the X-direction residual thrust for all columns and is zero, the sliding direction (X-axis orientation) is changed so that the Y-direction residual thrust force of all lines is zero and the thrust direction correction coefficient is adjusted The total Y-axis moment is zero and the stability coefficient of the landslide, the optimal sliding direction and the thrust direction correction coefficient are obtained. This method is suitable for landslides of any shape and can calculate the optimal sliding direction. Finally, the project has been applied and discussed.
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