19世纪中叶以前的朝鲜,从未进入西方世俗世界的视野中。这种状况在19世纪60年代以后逐步改变。实际上,在整个19世纪后半叶,西方列强和崛起的日本都将侵略的矛头对准了朝鲜。伴随着列强侵略的进程,“隐士之国”朝鲜被揭开了神秘面纱。在向世人揭开朝鲜面纱时,西方传教士在中国创办的《教务杂志》(TheChinese Recorder)发挥了重要作用。由于西方传教士长久生活于朝鲜社会中,更少有功利性,因而反映的朝鲜面目更具有真实性和全面性。
North Korea before the mid-19th century never entered the vision of the secular world of the West. This situation gradually changed after the 1860s. In fact, throughout the second half of the 19th century, Western powers and the rising Japan were all at the forefront of aggression against North Korea. Along with the process of strong aggression by the powers, “the country of hermits” was opened up with mystery. When unveiled to North Koreans, Western missionaries played an important role in the creation of TheChinese Recorder in China. Because Western missionaries lived in North Korea for a long time, they were less utilitarian, and thus reflected the more authentic and comprehensive nature of North Korea.