医疗保险制度改革是一项复杂的社会系统工程,其中医疗保险基金管理的好与坏,是决定这项改革成功与否的关键。建立一套高度完善可靠的医疗保险基金管理系统,是管理好医疗保险基金的主要途径。 在制定总体规划时,我们遵循了“统一规划、分步实施、安全可靠、逐步完善”的基本原则。此外,我们经过多方面的了解和论证,决定用IC卡作为我市的医疗保险卡。1 对IC卡的认识 IC卡特点是:信息规范、读写方便、性能可靠、安全性好、通用性强、存储容量较大(1~256K),使用寿命较长,(>10年),可脱机处理,对通信网络要求不高,虽然价格较高,但输入输出设备较便宜。因而,IC卡较磁卡有更高的性能价格比。另外,它还有防静电、抗破坏力强、可进行多级加密等优点。
The reform of medical insurance system is a complicated social system project. The management of medical insurance fund is good and bad, which is the key to decide the success of this reform. The establishment of a highly sound and reliable medical insurance fund management system is the main way to manage the medical insurance fund. In formulating the overall plan, we followed the basic principle of “unified planning, step-by-step implementation, safety, reliability and gradual improvement.” In addition, after various understandings and arguments, we decided to use the IC card as our city’s medical insurance card. 1 IC card recognition IC card features are: information specification, easy to read and write, reliable performance, good security, versatility, large storage capacity (1 ~ 256K), long service life (> 10 years) Can be processed offline, less demanding on the communications network, although the price is higher, but the input and output devices cheaper. Thus, IC card has a higher price than the magnetic card. In addition, it is also anti-static, anti-destructive, multi-level encryption and so on.