湘西指位于湖南省西部的怀化地区和湘西土家族苗族自治州,南接广西,西连贵州、四川,北邻湖北。自明朝至民国数百年间,这里匪患猖獗,是闻名全国的“重匪区” 国民党政府也曾数度剿匪,但不仅没有消灭土匪,却反而使土匪势力愈加壮大。 1949年湖南和平解放后,中国共产党领导下的人民政府仅在2年半的时间内就彻底消灭了湘西及全省境内的20万土匪武装。为什么国共两党剿匪的结果会这样截然不同呢?究其原因,有如下几
Xiangxi refers to the Huaihua area in the west of Hunan Province and the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, to Guangxi in the south and Guizhou to Sichuan in the west and Hubei to the north. Hundreds of years from the Ming Dynasty to the Republic of China, banditry was rampant here. It was known as the “heavy bandit zone” that the Kuomintang government, known throughout the country, had also suppressed the bandits for several times. However, not only did the banditry be eliminated, but the bandits became even more powerful. After the peaceful liberation of Hunan in 1949, the people’s government under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party completely eliminated the 200,000 bandits in western Hunan and the province within only two and a half years. Why are the results of the suppression of bandits between the KMT and the CPC so sharply different? The reason, the following