半枝莲(Scutellaria barbata D.Don)为唇形科黄芩属植物,全草入药,具有清热解毒,化瘀利尿,消肿止痛和抗癌等功效。国内学者报道从全草中分得红花素(carthamidin)、异红花素(isocarthamidin)、印黄芩甙(scutellarein)、β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)、硬脂酸(stearic acid)和生物碱。台湾学者从中分离得汉黄芩素(wogonin)、5-羟基-7,8-二甲氧基黄酮(5-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyflavone)、半枝莲素(Rivularin)。我们从全草的乙醇提取液中分得两个化合物,经鉴定为汉黄芩素、新穿心莲内酯,该内酯在本植物中属首次发现。
Scutellaria barbata D.Don is a plant of the genus Astragalus in the Labiatae family. It is used as a whole herb and has the functions of detoxification, detoxification, diuresis, swelling, pain relief, and anti-cancer effects. Domestic scholars have reported that carthamidin, isocarthamidin, scutellarein, β-sitosterol, stearic acid, and organisms are isolated from whole plants. Alkali. Taiwanese scholars isolated wogonin, 5-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyflavone, and Rivularin. We isolated two compounds from the ethanol extract of whole plant and identified it as wogonin and new andrographolide. The lactone was first discovered in this plant.