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1 内部控制目标认识的局限性大概可将内部控制目标的要义归纳如下:①经济高效地实现组织的目标:②按管理当局一般的或特殊的授权进行业务活动;③保障资产的安全与信息的完整性;④防止和发现舞弊与错误;⑤保证财务报告的质量并及时提供可靠的财务信息。尽管关于内部控制目标的这些认识几乎体现了内部控制的所有动机,但随着组织外部环境的不断变迁和组织管理水 1 limitations of internal control objectives awareness Perhaps the main objectives of the internal control can be summarized as follows: ① cost-effective realization of the organization’s objectives: ② According to the management of general or special authority to carry out business activities; ③ safeguard the safety of assets and information Integrity; ④ prevent and detect fraud and errors; ⑤ ensure the quality of financial reports and provide timely and reliable financial information. Although these understandings about the goal of internal control reflect almost all the motives of internal control, as the external environment of the organization changes unceasingly and the organization and management of water
风驰电掣,警灯闪闪。深夜两点,科技园IC人才公寓2幢3号503室发生窃案。不到10分钟,公安局警员赶到,攀登进入室内,将“罪犯”抓获。这是尚德电力研究所研究员小周的住所,但小周现在澳大利亚墨尔本。深夜两点,甜梦正酣的小周的3D手机宪然响起,视频现出寓所进了小偷,他立即向新区公安局报警,入室者立即被抓。这只是新区市民中心物联网试运行导演的一幕,而远在异国的小周并不知情。    物联浪潮起    自美