
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlp00
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随着社会经济的不断发展,出去旅游成为越来越多人们的选择。现代科技在人们生活的各个角落都有体现,在旅游信息服务中,产生了湘菜美食的智慧旅游的全新概念。对于旅游行业来说,湘菜美食的智慧旅游能使旅游信息服务在智能化方面的更好发展,能很大程度上加快旅游信息的更新速度,让旅游行业拥有更好的发展前景。 With the continuous development of social economy, traveling abroad has become a more and more people’s choice. Modern science and technology are reflected in every corner of people’s life. In the tourism information service, a new concept of the wisdom tourism of Hunan cuisine has emerged. For the tourism industry, the wisdom tourism of Hunan cuisine can make the development of tourism information service better in terms of intelligence, greatly accelerate the update of tourism information and make the tourism industry have a better development prospect.
“春秋笔法”指源自春秋经的寓褒贬评判于曲折文笔之中的写作手法,现泛指寓褒贬评判于曲折的文笔之中。其意义大概是指微言大义,具体地说是表达委婉而规矩,而背后的立场、褒贬却十分鲜明。也可以说是话不好好说、话不直接说、正话反着说、反话正着说,等等。例如:  (1)初意却不过贪图少写一个字,并非有什么春秋笔法。(鲁迅《反对“含泪”的批评家》)  (2)这些陈述完全回避了被告方关于作案情节的质疑,处处都让人感