在众多的成语里面 ,有些是从古代度(长度)、量(容量)、衡(重量)引申出来的。与“度”有关的 ,如 :退避三舍 :古时以三十里为一“舍” ,后来人们常用这个成语 ,比喻对人采取让步和回避的态度。咫尺天涯 :周制八寸为咫。约相当现在(15~18)厘米。人们常用这个成语比?
Among the many idioms, some are derived from ancient degrees (length), quantity (capacity), and weight (weight). And “degree” related, such as: retreat homesick: in ancient times to thirty years as a “homes”, then people often use this idiom, metaphor for people to take concessions and avoidance attitude. Close to End of the World: Zhou made eight inches for the right. Approximately now (15 ~ 18) cm. People often use this idiom than?