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改革开放以来,我省农村卫生事业有了较大发展,县、乡、村医疗预防保健网基本形成,疾病防治工作取得明显成效,人民群众的医疗卫生保健条件有了一定程度的改善。但是,在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,农村卫生工作面临一些不容忽视的困难和问题。如不认真解决,不仅会给农民的就医增加许多困难,阻碍农村经济的发展,还会影响党群关系和社会稳定。为了进一步加强农村卫生事业建设,解决农民的基本医疗和卫生防疫保健问题,实现2000年人人享有卫生保健的规划目标,特作如下决定。一、各级政府要切实加强对农村卫生工作的领导卫生事业在保护和增进人民健康,提高民族素质方面发挥着重要的、不可替代的作用,它是社会发展的一个重要组成部分。各级政府必须重视农村卫生工作,增强责任感和紧迫感,把实施初级卫生保健,加强农村卫生三项建设,提高农民健康水平作为农村奔小康内容,纳入当地国民经济和社会发展的总体规划,列入各级政府的议事日程和任期目标责任制。同时,要高度重视农村疾病防治和妇幼卫生工作,控制和消灭辖区内的急性传染病和严重危害 Since the reform and opening up, the province’s rural health undertakings have made great progress. County, township and village medical prevention and health care networks have basically taken shape. Disease prevention and control work has achieved remarkable results, and the people’s medical and health care conditions have been improved to some extent. However, in the new situation of establishing a socialist market economic system, rural health work is facing some difficulties and problems that cannot be ignored. Failure to solve these problems will not only increase the difficulties for the farmers in seeking medical care, but also hinder the development of the rural economy. It will also affect the party-masses relationship and social stability. In order to further strengthen the construction of rural health services and solve the basic medical problems of farmers and health and epidemic prevention and health care, and realize the goal of health care for all in 2000, the following decisions are made. I. Governments at all levels must earnestly strengthen the leadership of the rural health work. The health undertaking plays an important and irreplaceable role in protecting and promoting people’s health and improving the quality of the nation. It is an important part of social development. Governments at all levels must attach importance to rural health work, increase their sense of responsibility and urgency, and implement the implementation of primary health care, strengthen rural sanitation, and improve the health level of farmers as the content of rural well-being, and incorporate them into the overall planning of local national economic and social development. Into the agenda of all levels of government and the term responsibility system. At the same time, we must attach great importance to rural disease prevention and maternal and child health work and control and eradicate acute infectious diseases and serious hazards in our jurisdiction.
在童稚的年纪里,我相逢相知了不少汉字。安,它在某个模糊的时间里叩开了我的心门。点、点、横钩、撇点、撇、横,六笔笔画干净利落,起承转合,这就是安。  汉字在历史洪流里有万千意象,笔直的线条勾勒出万丈红尘。  佛在心中安坐,红尘自淌过。当我还是一个身体与思想都非常娇嫩的孩童的时候,我的外婆一手抱着我,一手轻捻佛珠,一口乡音吟诵着佛经。吟哦声里,我困意渐生,醒来天光已暗,外婆便抱着我,稳稳地归家。“安”
近年颇多关于泡沫经济的议论,有趣的是,当初泡沫滩头风起云涌之际,人们却看它象真的一样。冷热与真假似乎极易混淆,热即是真,冷即是假,以致于只知冷热而不识真假。 想当初股
马红利决定给朱晓鸥道歉。  如果不道歉,朱晓鸥不理他倒是没什么,而马红利自己,总是不安。特别是一些同学,总是把这件事抖出来,已经笑过八百遍了,这些人还是跟第一次听见一样,笑个没完,把朱晓鸥又当笑料中心。在同学们嘻嘻哈哈的笑声里,马红利有些心烦了。他想制止,可是制止不住,因为是他发明的笑话。  笑过之后,朱晓鸥躲在一边红着脸,满眼愤恨,可怜兮兮的。  这怎么赖我呢?谁让她叫朱晓鸥了呢?马红利有些无赖