A Novel Energy-regenerative Active Suspension for Vehicles

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenrongxu222
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In order to regenerate electric power from the vibration excited by road unevenness,a novel energy- regenerative active suspension for vehicles was proposed with the description of its structure and its working principle with two modes switched in different operating conditions.Then,the novel active system was modeled and simulated to show the performance improvement in ride comfort in its electrical motor mode.Finally,the performance tests of the actuator prototype were carried out,which proves its capability for damping in its regenerative braking mode.The research results can provide useful guidance for the similar electrical active suspension design and development. In order to regenerate electric power from the vibration excited by road unevenness, a novel energy-regenerative active suspension for vehicles was proposed with the description of its structure and its working principle with two modes switched in different operating conditions. Chen, the novel active system was modeled and simulated to show the performance improvement in ride comfort in its electrical motor mode. Finally, the performance tests of the actuator prototype were carried out, which proves its capability for damping in its regenerative braking mode. for the similar electrical active suspension design and development.
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