In order to select a good family of Eucalyptus grandiflora resistance, the Pilodyn values of growth traits, height, DBH, crown volume, plant volume, bark thickness and non-destructive wood traits were determined and analyzed for 114 families. The results showed that among the eight traits such as tree height, DBH, single plant volume, crown width, wind damage grade, Pilodyn value, bark thickness, and preservation rate, among the remaining traits except for the significant differences in DBH The difference was significant (p <0.01). The results showed that there were significant differences among different plantations of Eucalyptus globulus, with the phenotypic coefficient of variation exceeding 15% and the coefficient of variation of wind hazard level reaching 77.84%. The heritability of families among the characters of Eucalyptus grandis families was higher than that of single heritability Tree height, DBH, crown width, plant volume, Pilodyn value and wind damage level were all controlled by higher intensity (heritability greater than 0.40). Wind damage level of genetic, environmental, theoretical coefficient of variation of the largest phenotypic, single plant volume followed. There was a significant negative correlation between wind damage level and tree height genetic correlation, environmental correlation and theoretical phenotype correlation, and significant correlation with volume genetic and environmental factors, and significant correlation with DBH and Pilodyn value (rp = -0.341, rp = -0.476). Fifteen excellent families selected by comprehensive evaluation of different weight coefficients of each trait were selected and three excellent families were selected from the aspects of growth (genetic gain> 10%) and wind resistance (genetic gain <-10%) for 20026,20027 , 2002. Genetic gain analysis showed that the selected family growth traits were higher than the average of the test pedigree, and improve the wind resistance of the pedigree.