
来源 :廊坊师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragon_3628
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本文报道麝香石竹小茎尖离体培养中玻璃苗和正常苗发生的细胞学观察。呈现玻璃化外植体再生玻璃苗,正常外植体则再生正常苗。玻璃苗既可起源于母体组织,也可起源于愈伤组织,但母体组织细胞已薄壁化,类似愈伤组织。正常苗由母体组织直接发生,细胞正常,未呈现玻璃化。发生芽增殖的母体组织或愈伤组织内部常形成许多蜂窝状致密结构,可能为分生组织细胞,芽的分化既源于这些细胞。 This paper reports the cytological observations of the occurrence of glass seedlings and normal shoots in vitro from the cultured carotid shoots. Vitrified explants showed glass seedlings regeneration, normal explants are regenerated normal seedlings. Glass seedlings can originate in the mother’s body tissue, but also originated in the callus, but the mother’s tissue cells have been thin-walled, similar to callus. Normal seedling occurs directly from the maternal tissue, the cells are normal, and no vitrification occurs. The budding proliferation of the parent tissue or callus often form many honeycomb dense structure, probably meristematic cells, bud differentiation is derived from these cells.
Purpose::To evaluate the outcomes with and without aid of a computer-assisted surgical navigation system (CASNS) for treatment of unilateral orbital wall fractu