Guided by the great strategic decision of Chairman Hua, the wise leader, of “grasping the rule of the country with the rule of the country”, in December 1977, our team of electricity-trapping test teams conducted a simple exchange of electricity in the farming in the Nanhu fishing grounds of Hanshou County for fishing and fishing with nets test. After three net tests, a total of 185,000 kilograms of fresh fish were caught and the highest net yield reached 71,881 kilograms, the highest record in the Neijiang fishing production. Han Shou Neijiang from seven or six years with the net bar eight thousand acres of water for fish. Due to the depth of water (the deepest 21 meters, the shallowest of 8 meters), the bottom of the water is complex, with deep pools, river ditch, inverted ridge, etc., which brings great difficulties to the adult fish harvesting and the fishing yield over the years is not high. In the year of 1977, the new fishing method driven by AC power was used to catch fresh fish, which was 18.3 times more than in 1976.