对高危孕妇于妊娠晚期适时引产终止妊娠,可使已成熟的胎儿及早脱离不适于生长发育的宫内环境,以减少母体患病率及围产儿病死率。我们把普洛舒定E_2阴道凝胶用于妊娠晚期引产,以探讨其促宮颈成熟及引产效果。现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 对象与分组我院1996年6~8月住院分娩的初产妇64例,年龄22~34岁,孕周37~42周~(+2),均为单胎头位,未临产,无胎膜早破、产前出血、头盆不称、胎儿宫内窘迫及前列腺素药物使用禁忌证。将病人随机分为两组:普洛舒定E_2组(PGE_2组)和催产素组,各组32例。二组平均
High-risk pregnant women in the third trimester termination of pregnancy induced termination of pregnancy in a timely manner, can make the mature fetus from the growth and development of intrauterine environment as soon as possible to reduce the maternal prevalence and perinatal mortality. We used Prussianidine E_2 vaginal gel for induction of labor during the third trimester of pregnancy to explore its role in promoting cervical ripening and induction of labor. The report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Subjects and Groups Our hospital from June to August 1996 delivery of primipara 64 cases, aged 22 to 34 years old, 37 to 42 weeks gestational age ~ (+2), are single-head position, not Prenatal, premature rupture of membranes, prenatal bleeding, cephalopelvic disproportion, fetal distress and prostaglandin drug contraindications. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: Prostamil E_2 group (PGE_2 group) and oxytocin group, 32 cases in each group. Two groups average