2014年4月,潍坊市中级人民法院针对歌尔声学股份有限公司(以下简称“歌尔声学”)诉楼氏电子(苏州)有限公司(以下简称“楼氏电子(苏州)”)专利侵权系列案做出了部分判决,不仅发出了禁令,还判决被告赔偿7440万元。1即使在全球专利战争硝烟四起的今天,这样的赔偿额也是很惊人的。比较双方当事人的实力,笔者不仅联想到了Malcolm Gladwell的新书
In April 2014, Weifang Intermediate People’s Court filed a lawsuit against Goer Acoustics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Goer Acoustics”) v. Office Electronics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lou Shi Electronics (Suzhou) ) Patent infringement series of cases made part of the verdict, not only issued a ban, but also the defendant awarded 74.4 million yuan. 1 Even today, where the global patent wars blemished, such damages are staggering. Comparing the strength of both parties, I not only recalled Malcolm Gladwell’s new book