一、烟草生长的环境条件 1.温度。烟单是一种喜温作物,地上部在8℃~38℃范围内均能生长,生长发育的适温是25℃~28℃,在零下2℃~3℃时,烟株就会死亡。地下部在7℃~43℃之间都能生长,但最适宜的温度是31℃。种子发芽的最适温度是24℃~29℃,最低温度为7.5℃~10℃,最高温度为35℃。温度低于7.5℃,种子发芽过程停止;高于30℃,发芽过程缓慢;超过
First, the tobacco growing environmental conditions 1. Temperature. Tobacco single is a kind of thermophilic crop, and the shoots can grow in the range of 8 ℃ ~ 38 ℃. The suitable temperature for growth and development is 25 ℃ ~ 28 ℃. When the temperature is minus 2 ℃ ~ 3 ℃, the tobacco plants will die. The underground can grow between 7 ℃ ~ 43 ℃, but the most suitable temperature is 31 ℃. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 24 ℃ ~ 29 ℃, the lowest temperature is 7.5 ℃ ~ 10 ℃, the highest temperature is 35 ℃. The temperature is below 7.5 ℃, seed germination process stops; above 30 ℃, the germination process is slow; more than