
来源 :中国人民大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmjxex
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同光之交的“清流派”是当时社会危机的产物,由一批敢于直言的士大夫组成。他们崇奉儒家治平之道,主张整改内政,有一定积极意义;他们具有强烈的忧患意识,力主抗击列强的侵略,表现出可贵的爱国热忱;他们顺乎西学东渐的潮流,提出学习西方,举办洋务的主张,有的还参加了洋务实际活动。这是一个有别于顽固派、洋务派的政治派别。 The “Qinghui School,” which was established at the same time with Guangguang, was a product of the social crisis of that time and was composed of a group of daring to speak bluntly. They have taken the Confucian road of peace and advocated rectification of their internal affairs with some positive meanings. They have a strong sense of urgency and are mainly responsible for fighting the aggression of the powers and show their precious patriotic enthusiasm. In accordance with the tide of Western learning, they propose to study in the West and organize Westernization advocates, and some also participated in the actual activities of Westernization. This is a political party different from the die-hards and the Westernization School.