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“下颌托”属丧葬用品,其材质有金、银、锡以及棉、毛、绢等织物,环绕于人头部及下颌后绾结于颅顶处,用以固定死者面部以防变形。下颌托可能起源于古希腊,荷马时代的墓葬中就曾发现。中国最早的下颌托实物出现于公元前10-前8世纪的新疆,北魏时期传入内地,考古发现的遗物零星分布于今新疆、宁夏、陕西、山西、河南、湖北、湖南、江西等地,该器物在中国的流传与丝绸之路和中外文化交流密切相关。 “Mandibular care ” is a funeral supplies, the material is gold, silver, tin and cotton, wool, silk and other fabrics, around the head and jaw in the skull at the junction, to fix the dead face to prevent deformation . Mandibular care may originated in ancient Greece, the Homer era tombs have been found. The earliest mandibles in China appeared in Xinjiang from the 10th to the 8th century BC, and the Northern Wei Dynasty was introduced into the interior. The relics discovered by archeology were sporadically distributed in Xinjiang, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, The spread of this artifact in China is closely related to the Silk Road and cultural exchange between China and foreign countries.