目的 总结乳腺错构瘤病理特点并分析其临床、组织学及免疫组织化学 (免疫组化 )特征。方法 组织标本经 10 %福尔马林固定 ,常规石蜡切片 ,HE染色。用SP法进行免疫组织化学标记。结果 8例错构瘤组织学镜下境界清楚 ,由数量不等的纤维、脂肪、乳腺小叶及导管成分组成。上皮成分无非典型性 ,出现不同程度雌激素受体 (ER)阳性。结论 乳腺错构瘤为良性病变 ,组织学上与其它乳腺肿瘤不同 ,与雌激素水平有关 ,确诊需临床、X线及病理相结合
Objective To summarize the pathological features of breast hamartoma and analyze its clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features. Methods Tissue specimens were fixed in 10% formalin and paraffin sections were stained with HE. Immunohistochemistry with SP method. Results 8 cases of hamartoma histology clearly clear under the microscope, ranging from the number of fibers, fat, breast lobular and catheter components. Epithelial non-atypical, with varying degrees of estrogen receptor (ER) -positive. Conclusions Breast hamartoma is a benign lesion, which is different from other breast tumors in histology, and is related to estrogen level. Combined with clinical, X-ray and pathological diagnosis,