
来源 :学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:talltiger
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何东昌同志在去年举行的《中国学校体育》画册首发式上的讲话中提出:希望通过亚运会的召开能激发起人民群众进一步的“体育热”,而带头“热”起来的应该是我们的学校体育.希望各级各类学校要进一步端正教育的指导思想,要十分重視体育.关键是我们各级教育行政部门要首先重视起来,多想办法,多做实事。北京亚运会已经胜利闭幕了.如今各行各业都在弘扬亚运精神,推动本行业工作的进一步开展.然而,人们不禁要问,我们学校教育界、学校体育界又如何呢?何东昌同志希望学校体育能带头“热”起来,应当说是理所当然的.因为学 Comrade Ho Tung Chang put forward his speech at the “China School Physical Education” album starting ceremony last year. He hoped that the convening of the Asian Games would inspire further “sports fever” among the masses and that “taking the lead” should be our school Sports We hope that all levels of schools at all levels should further guide sports education and attach great importance to sports. The key is that education administrative departments at all levels should first of all attach importance to ways and means and do more practical things. Beijing Asian Games has been successfully concluded. Now all walks of life are promoting the spirit of the Asian Games, promote the work of the industry to further carry out. However, people can not help but ask, our school education, school sports and what? He Dongchang hope school sports To take the lead “hot” up, it should be said for granted
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