在偷渡者眼中,国外是遍地黄金的“天国”,他们不惜倾家荡产,用生命做赌注去实现“ 发财梦”。然而当他们冒死偷渡、浪迹他乡之后,得到的又是什么呢?金云哲,男,36岁,黑龙江省海林市人,1999年8月偷渡到韩国,2001年2月17日被韩国警 方抓获,3月15日被遣返回国。坐在山东省威海市边防支队审讯室里的金云哲身材瘦弱、面容憔悴。谈起自己偷渡出国的 经历,他说自己仿佛做了一个长长的噩梦……
In the eyes of stowaways, foreign countries are the “heaven” of gold all over the world. They did not hesitate to go bankrupt and use their lives as a stakes to realize “a dream of getting rich.” However, when they run the risk of illegal immigrants and wander their hometown, what is it after they get it? Jin Yunzhe, male, 36, from Hailin, Heilongjiang Province, sneaked into Korea in August 1999 and was captured by South Korean police on February 17, 2001 , March 15 was repatriated. Jin Yunzhe, sitting in the interrogation room of the border detachment in Weihai City, Shandong Province, is thin and gaunt. Talking about his own experience of illegal immigration, he said he seems to have done a long nightmare ...