肾炎所致乳糜腹水,临床上罕见,国内报道仅二例。现将我院九年来诊治的二例报道如下: 例一:男,38岁,甘肃武威人,浮肿腹胀70天,少尿20天。受凉后发热,咽痛,继晨起时眼睑浮肿,遂波及全身,腹胀,少尿。经当地医院治疗无效,转来我院。体查:血压150/90,消瘦,慢性重病容,半卧位,心肺(一),腹部膨隆呈蛙状,无腹壁静脉曲张。无柔韧感,无压痛。束动性浊音
Chylous ascites caused by nephritis, clinically rare, only two cases reported in China. Now our hospital nine years of diagnosis and treatment of two cases are reported as follows: Example 1: Male, 38 years old, Wuwei, Gansu, swollen bloating 70 days, oliguria 20 days. After the cold fever, sore throat, following the morning when the eyelid edema, then spread to the body, abdominal distension, oliguria. After the local hospital treatment is invalid, transferred to our hospital. Physical examination: blood pressure 150/90, weight loss, chronic severe disease, semi-recumbent, cardiopulmonary (a), abdomen bulging frog-like, no abdominal varicose veins. No sense of flexibility, no tenderness. Beatling dullness