
来源 :中国社会经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lenovo_king
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近十多年来,在黔东南地区发现了数以万计的清水江文书,官文书作为清王朝控制黔东南苗疆地区的重要行政工具,亦多有遗存。清王朝通过攒造鱼鳞图册、颁发土地执照与契尾,确立民众的土地权属,化“异域”为“旧疆”;官府亦把张贴或刊刻告示作为控制乡村社会的重要手段;而清代中期以后“札”体公文的大量使用,使国家控制乡村的意图在地方社会得以迅速传播。清王朝正是通过各类官文书的上传下达及其在诉讼裁决中的有效运用,促使苗、侗等少数民族民众逐渐认知、接受与收藏官文书,使其成为清王朝最终成功经营黔东南苗疆地区的重要一环。 In the past decade or so, tens of thousands of Qingshuijiang documents have been discovered in southeastern Guizhou. Official documents, as important administrative tools for controlling the Miao and Hsien in Qiandongnan, also have many remains. The Qing dynasty, by saving the fish scale catalog, issuing the land license and the end of the agreement, establishing the people’s land ownership, transforming the “foreign land” into “the old country”, and the government also posting or announcing the notice as an important part of controlling rural society Means. However, the extensive use of official documents after the mid-Qing Dynasty made it possible for the state to control rural areas rapidly in local communities. The Qing dynasty, through the uploading of various official documents and its effective application in litigation and adjudication, prompted Miao and Dong and other ethnic minority people to gradually recognize, accept and collect official documents so that they eventually became the successful business of Qiandongnan Miaojiang region an important part.
长期以来,心理学家们就认为保守秘密的能力居于一个人心理健康发展的最中心位置。在青春期和成年后,一个人能不能在社交中流利地说些无伤大雅的谎话,关系到他的精神健康。研究者们还发现,保守秘密的本事能加强一个人的吸引力。  烦闷时,我们会想要找个地方散散步,释放心情。走在怎样的路上让你觉得最能帮你释放心理压力呢?  A.市中心最繁华的大道,霓虹灯下让热闹的人气赶走郁闷  B.蜿蜒曲折的近郊山路,像人生路一