凌源市位于辽宁省西南部,地处辽宁省、河北省、内蒙古交汇处,年平均气温8.3℃,年降水量460mm,≥10℃有效积温3 400℃,平均日照时数2 804小时,无霜期145天,属于半湿润半干旱丘陵山区,光照充足,昼夜温差大,独特的地理位置和气候条件,非常适宜耐密玉米套种春小麦这种种植模式。凌源市现有耕地76万亩,其中水浇地22万亩。为充分发挥水浇地增产增效潜力,笔者与农民朋友一起经
Lingyuan City is located in the southwest of Liaoning Province, located in the intersection of Liaoning Province, Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia. The annual average temperature is 8.3 ℃, the annual precipitation is 460mm, the effective accumulated temperature is ≥3 ℃, the average sunshine duration is 2 804 hours, 145 days, belonging to the semi-humid and semi-arid hilly mountain area, adequate illumination, large temperature difference between day and night, unique geographical location and climatic conditions, is very suitable for dense planting of spring wheat intercropping patterns. Lingyuan City, the existing 76 million mu of arable land, of which irrigated 22 million mu. In order to give full play to irrigated land to increase production and efficiency potential, the author and peasant friends together