近年来,病人欠费发生数量呈上升趋势,分析其原因,概括起来可分为以下4个方面: 病人家庭经济状况差是发生欠费的原因之一 1989、1991年,我院对历年结欠的病人欠费进行大规模的催收和调查,调查发现经济状况较差的占结欠总人数的85%左右,一部分人不但近期无偿还能力,而且近期的生活来源亦靠当地政府的资助,原因有3个方面:(1)病人在患病治疗过程中已债台高筑,而亲朋好友怕连累又退居三舍。(2)病人治疗后因体力恢复等原因不能正常工作,收入亦随之减少。(3)一部分欠费病人患病的诱发因素是本身家庭经济条件较差,小病不养或无力医治,一旦病情加重更是雪上加霜,不堪承受。
In recent years, the number of patient arrears has been on an upward trend. The reasons for this are analyzed and summed up in the following four areas: One of the reasons for the arrears is the poor economic condition of the patient’s family. In 1989 and 1991, our school owed money to the calendar year. The patient arrears to conduct large-scale collections and investigations. The survey found that the poor economic status accounted for about 85% of the total number of people owed. Some people were not only unable to repay their debts recently, but the recent source of their living also depended on local government funding for 3 reasons. In terms of: (1) The patient has already built up a lot of debt in the course of his illness treatment, and his relatives and friends are afraid of getting tired and retiring. (2) The patient cannot work properly due to physical strength recovery after treatment, and the income also decreases. (3) The predisposing factors of some arrears patients’ illnesses are the poor economic conditions of their own families, the inability to treat minor ailments or inability to treat them. Once the condition is aggravated, it becomes even worse.