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目的了解滨州市饮水型地方性氟中毒病区的病情变化趋势。方法采用流行病学调查方法,对惠民、博兴、邹平地方性氟中毒病区水氟及儿童氟斑牙患病率进行了调查。结果未改水病区、改水工程正常病区及改水工程报废病区饮用水含氟量分别为1.00±0.76 mg/L、1.34±1.05 mg/L、2.24±1.21mg/L;改水工程报废病区饮用水含氟量明显高于改水正常病区(t=2.06,P<0.05);改水工程报废病区饮用水含氟量明显高于未改水病区(t=3.00,P<0.01);未改水病区饮用水含氟量与改水工程正常病区有差异,但无统计学意义(t=1.01,P>0.05);改水降氟工程报废的病区儿童氟斑牙患病率为62.87%,缺损率13.12%,改水降氟工程正常运转病区氟斑牙患病率为59.45%,缺损率14.92%,而未改水病区氟斑牙患病率小于30.00%。三类病区儿童氟斑牙患病率经统计学处理显示高度显著性差异(χ2=210.06,P<0.01),改水降氟工程正常运转病区儿童氟斑牙患病率高于未改水病区(χ2=140.61,P<0.01),改水降氟工程报废的病区儿童氟斑牙患病率高于未改水病区(χ2=467.37,P<0.01),改水降氟工程报废的病区儿童氟斑牙患病率高于改水降氟工程正常运转病区,但无统计学意义(χ2=0.99,P>0.25);改水工程报废病区儿童氟斑牙患病情况存在显著差异(χ2=21.04,P<0.01),随着年龄的增长其儿童氟斑牙患病率也有增高的趋势,但无明显相关性(r=0.37,P>0.25)。结论山东省滨州市地方性氟中毒病情仍然较重,防病措施必须加强。 Objective To understand the trend of endemic fluorosis in Binzhou City. Methods Epidemiological survey methods were used to investigate the prevalence of dental fluorosis in children with fluorosis in Huimin, Boxing and Zouping endemic fluorosis areas. Results The fluoride content of drinking water in the normal ward of the water diversion project and the waste ward of the water diversion project were 1.00 ± 0.76 mg / L, 1.34 ± 1.05 mg / L and 2.24 ± 1.21 mg / L, respectively; The fluorine content of drinking water in the scrapped ward of the project was significantly higher than that of the normal water diversion (t = 2.06, P <0.05). The fluoride content of drinking water in the scrapped ward of the water diversion project was significantly higher than that of the unmodified watery ward (t = 3.00 , P <0.01). There was a difference between the fluoride content of drinking water in the unmodified water area and the normal ward of water diversion project, but there was no statistical significance (t = 1.01, P> 0.05) The prevalence of dental fluorosis in children was 62.87% and the defect rate was 13.12%. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in normal operation of the water-reducing and fluoride-removing project was 59.45% and the defect rate was 14.92% The rate is less than 30.00%. The prevalence of dental fluorosis in children in the three categories of wards showed a highly significant difference (χ2 = 210.06, P <0.01), and the prevalence of dental fluorosis (Χ2 = 140.61, P <0.01). The prevalence of dental fluorosis in wiped-out children with water-fluoride-lowering projects was higher than that in non-water-affected areas (χ2 = 467.37, P <0.01) The prevalence of dental fluorosis in children who were scrapped in the ward was higher than that in the normal operation of water diversion and fluoride reduction projects (χ2 = 0.99, P> 0.25). Children with dental fluorosis (Χ2 = 21.04, P <0.01). The prevalence of dental fluorosis in children also increased with age, but there was no significant correlation (r = 0.37, P> 0.25). Conclusion Binzhou City, Shandong Province, endemic fluorosis is still serious, prevention measures must be strengthened.
[关键词] 文化建设; 先进文化  [中图分类号] G120 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1007-1962(2004)07-0034-01    十六大报告指出:“在当代中国发展先进文化,就是发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化,以不断丰富人们的精神世界,增强人们的精神力量”。这里关键是对“三个面向”和对“社会主义文化”定性的理解,
[摘要] 中国坚持马克思主义意识形态的主导地位和指导作用与在国际上“不搞意识形态的争论”,不以意识形态和社会制度划线,看似矛盾,实则统一。它反映了我们的党性原则与战略原则的统一,国际与国内政策的统一,理论与实践的统一。  [关键词] 坚持马克思主义意识形态; 不搞意识形态的争论; 战略原则与具体政策  [中图分类号] D641 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1